Arun Muralidhar

Arun Muralidhar, Chairman and Founder, Mcube Investment Technologies, LLC

Arun is Co-Founder of Mcube Investment Technologies LLC and Co-Founder and Client CIO of AlphaEngine Global Investment Solutions – firms that provide a range of services and products to the institutional investor community. Arun previously worked at the World Bank, JP Morgan Asset Management and FX Concepts. His primary focus is on dynamic (intelligent) beta and currency management and how clients can get paid to manage risk. Arun has written four books and many articles on a range of topics - on pension reform (with Nobel Laureate Prof. Franco Modigliani), financial innovation (with Nobel Laureate Prof. Robert Merton), asset allocation, and portfolio/currency management. His idea for a retirement and education bond was launched by Brazil in January and August 2023, respectively. He has received numerous awards for his research on these topics. He was one of four (and the only non-Dutch) members selected to serve on the Academic Advisory Board of PGGM, NL (2nd largest Dutch pension fund) and serves on the Virginia Retirement Systems’ DC Plan Advisory Committee. He serves as an Advisor to the Investments and Wealth Institute and also served as an Expert Advisor to the World Economic Forum. He was adjunct professor of Finance at George Washington University and Academic Scholar at Georgetown University’s Center for Retirement Initiatives. He holds a PhD in Managerial Economics from the MIT Sloan School of Management, and a B.S. from Wabash College.
